Sunday, August 24, 2008

(Not) Hurricanes are great for knitting

Well TS Fay came, saw the sights, decided to stay a bit longer and flooded my front yard.

Alison's first official week of school was two days long - one of which was the only day this week I would have called school off for. I do not complain though, because I know that the school board is made of people who are not hurricane whisperers and their main concern was the safety of my child. Plus, two of the make-up days are after we get back from Mexico so it looks like Alison will benefit from two additional days of public school that she would have otherwise missed.

We lost power for 16 hours, 6 of which I had a generator for. It ran the computer, cable, TV and refrigerator quite well. We lost Internet for 4 hours. I can't really say whether one was worse than the other.

I knit my February Lady Sweater.

A lot.

So much that I was convinced I would be finished with it by the end of this weekend. But then the knitting seemed redundant and I needed a change.

Did I start another pattern?

No, I finished the second sleeve.

When I got bored again, I wove in all my ends.

This sweater is ridiculously close to completion, but I am long-torsoed and am reaping the downside of that now.

It will be finished for Mexico though, because yesterday we got our list of things to bring and at the bottom were the beloved words: "a light sweater".

19 days until we leave!

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day

Alison started Kindergarten today. Dropping her off was bittersweet. Anyone who knows me has heard me say that Ali and I were ready for school to start again. But I didn't realize I'd be so sad when she jumped out the the car and headed in.


Seriously, she treated it like a band-aid.

As soon as she shut the door, Emily started crying for her and moments later I was a mess too.


Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

BIG NEWS on the missions blog!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008



We are so blessed by everyone's generosity and support!!!

And now, the WINNERS:

Nicole won 1 skein of Del Sol Superwash Merino sock yarn by The Chicks with Sticks!!

Kelly won 1 skein of Nanners Superwash Merino sock yarn by The Chicks with Sticks!!

Michelle won 1 skein of Largo Superwash Merino sock yarn by The YoYo (now available at the Loopy Ewe!)!!

Bianca won 1 skein of Masking Envy Superwash Merino sock yarn by The YoYo!!

Christine won 1 skein of Delite Superwash Merino sock yarn by RubySapphire!!

Andrea won 1 skein of Meggy Superwash Merino sock yarn by Ruby Sapphire!!

Patricia won 3 knitting needle bracelets from Sassafras Creations!!

I am on my way out the door for a meeting, so if you won and you see this - can you email me your address?? Otherwise, I'll email everyone when I get home. :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Send Us to Mexico -- And Win Fabulous Prizes!!

On September 12th we'll begin a 10-week, intensive missionary training course in Mexico.

At this training we will:

* spend a week living in the home of a family that only speaks Spanish
* hear from renowned Bible and missions teachers
* learn how to plan our budget and raise support for our move to Nicaragua
* participate in conflict-resolution training
* learn how to lead a short term missions team
* learn how to practically survive in a foreign country on a fixed budget
* plus lots more

The cost for the four of us to attend is $8000. This includes airfare, room, board, shots, etc. We are supported by our home church, Fusion Church, but need additional funds to make this happen.

You can learn more about what we'll learn and what we'll be doing in Nicaragua by visiting our missions blog:

Here's where you come in - we're having a raffle!!!
Since you've read a lot, let's see some prizes first!!!

del sol by chicks

1. Del Sol Handpainted Superwash Merino Wool by The Chicks with Sticks
400 yds. - Fingering weight

nanners by chicks

2. Nanners Handpainted Superwash Merino Wool by The Chicks with Sticks
400 yds. - Fingering weight

largo by yoyo

3. Largo Handpainted Superwash Merino by The YoYo
425 yds. - Fingering weight


4. Masking Envy Handdyed Superwash Merino by The YoYo
250 yds. - Sport weight


5. Delite Handpainted Superwash Merino by RubySapphire
550 yds. - Light Fingering weight

6. Meggy Handpainted Superwash Merino by RubySapphire
550 yds. - Light Fingering weight


7. A set of 3 knitting needle bangles from Sassafras Creations
You pick the colors! :)

If you hadn't noticed, that's a lot of sock yarn! I love sock yarn! I love the yarn I've received from each of these ladies and the bracelets I have from Sassafras Creations are amazing! Ann-Marie, Alyson, Nancy, Lauri and Sam are great ladies who have graciously donated all of these prizes.

Here's what you do:

Click that button up there in the top, right corner that says "Paypal Donate".

For every $10 you donate, you'll get one entry into the raffle for one of these amazing prizes. Give $50, get 5 entries.

You can give as many times as you'd like or just give all at once.

The raffle will end at 12 PM EST on Wednesday, August 13th, 2008. Winners will be announced around 6 PM that night. :)

**If you'd like to donate a prize, please email me: megan (dot) tingle (at) gmail (dot) com

Please give generously, we're going to revolutionize a generation and you can help! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

It fits!

Pen's gifts arrived a bit early and her mommy let her open them. All told, this sweater should last her two years if we're lucky. :)


Friday, August 08, 2008


None of us are free until ALL of us are free

Join knitters worldwide in a challenge from Bev.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

25 Months

Emily has begun to talk. Not for the first time, but seemingly out of no where she's got conversation and sentence structure down. I imagine part of it is having Ali home, creating more "adult" conversation.

She's also started naming things on her own. For instance, the sun is "the hot". Aptly named really, where'd they get the word sun anyway.

This morning, she counted to three. And not just for giggles, she was counting herself in before beginning a rousing rendition of a song I've named "The Monkey, Boots" because the lyrics told me to. Why did she have to count in? Because she was providing herself musical accompaniment on Daddy's guitar.

I love that kid.


The raffle is shaping up rather nicely. I plan to officially begin it and Internet-wide promotion tomorrow when I've got all the prizes coordinated - they are wonderful and lovely and generous. :)

If you'd like to get a jump on the whole shebang, just click the Paypal button up there on the right - in the official raffle, each $10 donated will equal one entry. If you give between now and the official start (approximately noonish on Thursday), I'll give you two entries for every $10. :)

Monday, August 04, 2008

We're on a mission

Things have been a little crazy around here - and don't look like they'll settle anytime soon.

We've accepted the call to full time missions in Nicaragua. Yeah, you read that right, we're moving to Nicaragua. Not today or tomorrow, but it's coming.

Our first step is attending a 10-week Missionary Training in Mexico in September. We've started the process of raising the needed funds to get all of us there. We know that God is bigger than our circumstance and His glory will be seen in the next few months.

I'm going to try to keep the content here knitting and kiddo related, although the occasional missions bit may come in. And I'm planning an amazing raffle to help raise some support - details coming as soon as I hear back from a few prize donaters.

In the meantime, if you want to follow our adventure, you can here:

Saturday, August 02, 2008

It rained the WHOLE TIME

Yesterday my darling, British friend Becks and I took the kids to New Smyrna Beach. We'd checked the weather report and saw that there was a chance of precipitation, but we figured we'd soldier on.

Minutes after we'd unloaded everyone and everything from the van, the sky opened. A few of the casualties included Becky's clothes, Elijah's clothes and a lot of towels. We camped out in the van and ate our picnic lunch.

It slowed down so we got out to play a bit. Eli and Ali camped out under an umbrella and tried to build a sandcastle while I trekked back and forth to the ocean collecting buckets of water for the moat. Except it was still raining and it was windy and I kept getting rain in my eyes.

We stayed for 2.5 hours in unchanging conditions, hoping against hope that it would clear up.

Then the beach patrol pulled everyone out of the water and closed the beach because it started lightning off the shore. We took that as a cue to leave.

It was probably one of the worst days to ever, ever go to the beach, but we had a lot of laughs, I ended up with a little tan and the kids still think we're the coolest.