Monday, May 22, 2006


Wayne was sick with the flu-ish all weekend so we spent a good amount of it at the house being quiet and relaxed. But all that downtime led to some amazing things. First, I finished Alison's Pink & Purple socks while visiting with my parents on Friday night.

A little modeling and some action shots for your enjoyment.

The best thing I finished this weekend though, was the Color Bar Blanket for Carlin!!! I pieced and pieced and pieced and finally this afternoon it was all put together in color bar wonderfulness. I even learned some things, like if your sewing together black squares and using your great big pregnant belly as a table, it's not the best idea to be wearing a black shirt. The same is true for white. I also think I've dampened any future desire to make something as huge as a 140 square blanket, no matter how cute it is.


And while such an accomplishment is great, the best part of the past couple of days was not at all craft related. Wayne stayed home from work to make sure his sick was really gone and got to go to my Non-Stress Test with me. A whole hour of listening to Emily's heartbeat and kicks with Wayne. It was wonderful and made me a very happy mommy.

I will however bring a knitting or crochet project with me next time 'cause I'll be by myself and that's valuable crafting time. :)

1 comment:

adrienne *+*(^_^) +*+ said...

hooray!!! both projects are great..and a big accomplishment.. (^_^)