Bad Penny is coming along nicely. I was able to get a little knitting time this weekend, amid all the craziness - I can't figure out why, but this weekend was tiring. The raglan shaping, while wonderful in it's seamlessness, is trying right now. I have to increase 8 stitches every other round so each successive round is bigger than the last and it's getting BIG!
Saturday Ride
Duration: 45 minutes (due to technical difficulties on the trail and scheduling conflicts)
Average Speed: 12 mph
Distance: 10 miles
Calories Burned: 549
Did I fall? Nope, and I really think I'm getting the hang of my pedals.
81. My first car was given to me, it was a 1986 Mazda 626 with no paint.
82. The first hurricane I went through was Hurricane Gloria in New Jersey.
83. My favorite sweater is a turquoise-striped sweater from GAP.
84. I love Old Navy and can spend a mint there when there’s a good sale.
85. I love Johnny Depp and Gwenyth Paltrow and will see anything they’re in.
86. I enjoyed ‘Lady in the Water’
87. I can’t get enough of LOST.
88. The Amazing Race is the best reality show ever.
89. I saw the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra perform the 1812 Overture when I was in 4th grade.
90. I lost my wedding and engagement rings, well Alison did, and Wayne replaced them for me last year on our anniversary.
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